So what about trust?

Trust is such a broad topic. A deep word. It is a word that encapsulates so much of who we are, how we act, and even how we think.

Who do you trust? Maybe a family member, friends, church people, school leaders, spouses, or other people in your life.

I got to thinking the past few days how I really need a haircut. Just a trim. I am attempting at keeping my hair healthy so that I will never ever have to chop it all off again. Typically, I like to stick with the same person whom I trust to cut my hair. When I was in high school, a mom of one of my classmates cut my hair every single time. When I moved away to college, I would go home to get a hair cut. When I moved back to my hometown, I started going back to my cousin who use to cut my hair when I was younger. I trust her with my hair. She did my bridal portrait hair, wedding hair, the big chop off of it all, and every single trim since. But the thing is in all of this, I trust people I know. It has been easy to trust them because I know them, I know how well they work, and I know that they would never intentionally damage my hair.

Well, here’s the issue I have faced. I am in desperate need of a trim and cannot go home to get my haircut due to my work schedule. I don’t trust any hair shop at random. I prefer someone I know is good. The other day at my job a hair stylist came through my line. She was nice and seemed professional. She even owns her own salon. So, you guessed it. I took a leap of faith and booked an appointment to get my hair trimmed. I don’t even fill nervous. I trust her because of the kindness and confidence she showed when speaking to me.

All of this trust in hair stylists got me thinking, we trust people with our hair. We trust banks, investors, and even online shops with our money. We trust people with our kids. We trust drivers on the roads to drive safely and not to hit us. We trust our jobs to keep us employed. And we trust so much more. Even when we have trust issues there is still a degree of trust held in some things in your life, right? Think about it.

So what exactly makes it so hard to trust in Jesus? Why is it so tough to trust that He exists and is supporting us in all confidence? He is so full of love and ready to be there for us at any chance that we let Him.

So why is it that we have such a hard time trusting Him? Is it because we cannot see Him physically? If so, may I say to you that you cannot see all of the money that you have in the bank, but rather you trust the bankers to be honest. You trust that the numbers on your bank statements or on your online banking screens are accurate. You trust that the numbers reflected to you will be available at any time you wish to have that cash in your hand or delivered to a biller.

Is it hard to trust  Him because this life isn’t fair? Maybe you lost a loved one and feel that the blame is His. Maybe things haven’t been looking up for you in a while and you don’t understand why such a good and sovereign God would allow disease and poverty to happen. May I offer this advice to you, shift your perspective. The lady lying in the bed with cancer clinging to her faith and still witnessing to you may see her disease as Gods way of bringing you to Him, of inviting you to let Him into your life. Maybe the reason that your finances are so tight is because you haven’t entrusted them to Him. I would like to pause here to tell you a personal story, a testimony per say. I have had times where finances have been so tight I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to purchase food, but right in that last moment God made a way. I have had other times where my bank account has had money in it that was never placed there by me, nor by the bank, or anyone else. It simply was there because God knew I had a need and He was meeting that need. NOW, I am not saying that God is a genie and every time you share that little picture on Facebook that says “Share me for a financial blessing” you will then receive one. I personally think that’s a bunch of hogwash. However, I do believe that if you entrust your money to Him, make tithing your very first priority on ever penny you earn, then you will be taken care of financially.

Malachi 3:10

10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

This is the only place in the Bible that says you can test God. So, try it. Test Him. Tithe off of your money and see if your finances start to seem less stressful to you. That’ll prove to you that you can trust God too.


Just some food for thought. If we can trust our bankers to be honest with our money and our hair stylists to not completely make our head a train wreck, then I think God deserves a chance at your trust ❤


Click here for seven daily steps to trust the Lord with your life! I found this article to be useful for believers as well as non-believers. It serves as a great reminder, encouragement, and learning tool.




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