Knock Knock Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

So the other day I kept hearing a banging on a door. Keep in mind we live in an apartment, AKA close quarters. I looked at our friend who was leaving our place and said “What are you doing?!?!?” thinking he as just doing something funny. He left and my husband said “that is some guy at the other apartment across from us”. So, being the nosey person that I am I watched this dude through the peephole of my front door. No, I am not that weird, the banging just kept banging on and on and on again so I just had to know what the heck was going on. This is how it played out: the guy knocked on the door, told the resident who he was, begged to be let in, etc. The resident never let him in and eventually after a few minutes of trying and trying some more he left.

I actually have no idea who the guy is or the resident. I have no idea why he was banging. Maybe he was being funny, maybe they were facing some type of issue, I am not sure. But it sure did get me thinking. How many times does God knock on our hearts and ask us to open our ears to hear Him? Or our eyes to see Him? Or our hearts to let Him in?

That guy served as the perfect reminder to me that as the gatekeeper of our hearts we have to be picky of who we let in and out, but never picky about  letting God in.

That guy was so passionate about trying to get the resident to open the door (reminder: I actually do not know the backstory, I am just an observer) that he tried for minutes on end banging and hollering. Doesn’t God do that? Doesn’t he try so hard to get us to answer Him? Y’all we just have to listen. We have to be willing to let Him live in our hearts. We have to feed our relationship with Him. We have to trust Him with all that we have. We have to listen for His still small voice.

Y’all don’t leave God standing outside the door of your heart. Invite Him in. Love Him. He is so worth loving.

Today, I felt the most amazing love from Him and even heard His still small whisper, “Hannah you are set free.” I heard Him twice, say the same thing and y’all if it was not the most incredibly beautiful morning.
Sometimes it takes a while for us to learn to hear His small voice. We have to learn to sit in silence, to get in and remain in an attitude of prayer. But guys I am telling you there is absolutely nothing that I ever ever ever regret about giving my life to Christ. Please if you haven’t already give Christ a chance. Open your heart to Him.

Ladies, connect with me. Or connect with another person whom you know could speak with you about your faith!

Men, my hubs would LOVE to connect with you! Or find someone whom you trust and talk with them about your faith.

Guys, do not be afraid! Step out of where you are and invite Christ in. Open the door of your heart. I promise you that there is nothing in the world like it!

Image may contain: text that says 'It's not that Christians wanna shove Jesus down your throat but man if YOU KNEW. If you KNEW how He can transform you, how He can take away all that bitterness, that sorrow, that hurt, that depression, anxiety. We boast about our Lord because He is MIGHTY!'

I saw this picture floating around on Facebook and I think it is the most perfect thing to share here. Soak it in folks!



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